If you just bought the soundcard and timecode hoping to get a cracked TSP then you deserve all the bad luck you are having (again, no accusation). Why? Don't you already have TSP.? In which case you should already own an NI soundcard or certified mixer. You say you have just bought a soundcard and timecode. you are already using a cracked version (this is not an accusation). Which version of Traktor do you have ? Why don't you update it to a version that is X1MK2 compatible? Updates are free via Service Centre if you are using any version of Traktor Pro 2 unless. I think we need to iron a few things out here. Pulling my hair out trying to figure out what i can do ! Really hope someone could help me out here.

They will not be getting another penny from me. They didn't even answer their phones on the customer service line or reply to any of my 3 e-mails. Really have lost all faith in Native Instruments after this escapade. Hope someone on here could please help me out with a cracked version of TSP2 2.6.3 or higher for mac. I've also read that the only way to update to TSP2 is by buying the full upgrade kit? What is that about? I just spent £200 on a soundcard and control vinyl for you to tell me that i have to buy it again just to update the software? You are having a laugh. Paying £170 for your gear and not getting the software to run it is not on? Sort it out NI.

I have tried everything here, putting it into MIDI mode (which dosen't work!) and rebooting my whole Traktor system. I just got the new Traktor X1 MK2 only to realise that it dosen't work with any form of Traktor earlier than 2.6.3. (First time ever on a forum, so excuse if i sound like a spoon.)