( Job 1 ) Satan bound 1000-years Satan thrown into burning sulfur. ( Genesis 3-6) Satan remains free to roam the earth and returns to heaven on occasion. Satan throughly corrupts the earth but God starts over. Biblical Timeline of Man - (drawn to scale) “With the Lord, a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years is like a day.” (2 Peter 3:8) 1 2 7 8 9 10 11 12 20 15 21 22 33 Egypt Eternity Jesus 1000-year reign God dwells with men Jewish exile until 1878 prosperity ( seal 3 ) “The Great Tribulation” “the Seals” Seals 2-4 Israel prophecies (see below). Armageddon Jesus’ 1000-year reign (Rev 20) 1260 1290 1335 ( Dan.12:11) “Tribulation” on Earth (* covered on the last 5 pages of Daniel 11 as indicated + 2 more) “Understanding the Big Picture” Focusing on God’s relationship with Satan, Israel, Christians, and Muslims. 8) Sanctuary is re-consecrated Trumpet Plagues (Rev.8-11) Bowl Plagues (Rev.16) (God’s final wrath!) 1. Parthian/Sassanid (W) Abbasids Umayyads 1days (78 months) ‘middle’ of the 70th Seven Abomination God’s ‘wrath’ is completed - Revelation 8-19 2300-days (Dan.

diminished (2003-2011) Dec.2011- Sept.2013 Agreement w/ Iran ISIS invades Iraq Saudi wages war Turkish attempted Coup “sit at the same table” (Nov.2013-July 2015) SDaniel 11: Events of the “Final Empire”: Status: Iran’s recovered wealth Oct-16 / Dec-17 “Signs” before the Rapt2000 1.